OK this is a call and response thing. First I ll post the leading argument then my response. Only the relevant parts though:
Vigilante Darwinism Current mood: deviously evil
There are too many people on the planet today. Wait. I take that back. There are too many stupid people on the planet today. I don't know exactly where they come from. They are ninja-esque in their assault upon intelligent society; everywhere, yet nowhere. You could be walking along, minding your own business, and then...BAM! Face to face with a person who would do better in a padded room surrounded by a bunch of board games than out of the streets causing mayhem.Consider rats if you will. They actually eat their own kind. While this is a rather disgusting practice, it does elude to a higher plane of existence. When the world is submersed in nuclear warfare and we humans are struggling to survive, they will be happy and cozy in their little dens. Why? Because they had the good sense to kill off the weak and feeble of their species; leaving the strongest and most capable to survive. Ingenious.I am waiting for mankind to wake up and smell the coffee, but I grow weary. In fact, it appears we are going the other direction and actually encouraging the retarded of our species to procreate. Take for example, welfare. If you cannot support yourself and your family now, what makes you think you can handle one more child? Not to sound harsh, but the day after you receive your first welfare check, a doctor should show up at your front door for mandatory sterilization. True, people are sometimes dealt a bum hand, but a majority of the time the person is either too lazy to work or too stupid to get a better paying job. Either way, the genetic line should be obliterated.
Now here was the response I posted:
Why do people insult the welfarians? You know, most people in the US are only 2 checks from destitutions themselves. And more over its not like Pennsylvania is doing that good with job creation and population overflow. They lost 2 seats here in the last Census due to people LEAVING the state. No one is leaving because of the weather. I declare they are leaving because of the lame economic situation. But we persist on insulting welfare recipients? Thats nice. It s easier to insult offend poor people than the CEOs who shifted your jobs to lower wage area while taking a massive pay bonus for themselves. Not to mention the war-mongers who overbill the Defense Department for mayhem bound weapons. Mandatory Sterilization? Public Assistance is not meant to be permanent. If you are on it now, who is to say you ll be one 5 years from now? So why would you sterilize someone? And dont jump to a conclusion that being wealthy makes you a better parent. It makes you able to afford the shit that children need BETTER. AND, just because you re doing good now does not mean that you will always be. I mean, in this area 50 years ago everyone had a job in a factory(mostly steel production). When was the last time 200 tons of steel left Pennsylvania? 1983? Hmm, that more than 20 years ago? Lets not go so far back. Ford has to fire 30,000 people. GM also. So now you lost your job and new ones aint quite the same. What do you do? Do I neglect your need for food? Housing? Why do think the largest employer in the Northeast is the government. Of some sort, state, local, towns hire more people than they need to be productive but it keeps unemployment levels lower than they would be without it. Following your example no one should reproduce, because people who worked for Enron thought they were on easy street, but some one pilfered the company from under them. Now what? Should they kill their children as opposed to asking for welfare? What about the people who died in the World Trade Center? Many of them were major bread winners or led households. Not all of them multi-millionaires. There were janitors and cashiers and receptionists and window washers and electricians among the bondbrokers and financial traders. Now what? Kill them off as opposed to asking for government aid? How about putting orphans in wood chippers instead of group homes?
You say the majority of the time the person is just lazy. I ask you: Do you know that many people that you can determine that the MAJORITY of them are lazy? How many do you know? Or are you guessing and presuming that this majority is an actual factual quantity of people whom you oddly dont know? You have interviewed all 300,000,000 people in the USA? But tell me mama, how good does a family of 2-3 live on $694/month? Hmmm, but look at this a missile from the Raytheon Corporation costs $1,000,000...each. It takes 4 missiles to make a battery. So a battery costs like $4,000,000. And let us not forget the truck that it mounted on. Then you say too stupid to get a better paying job. That statement is so biased, I m sorry it doesnt even....you know, are you sure you re not one of these people who should be obliterated?
Rats eat their own kind, sure that s good. But they also eat their own shit so what do they know?