Sunday, October 01, 2006

OK, so the new book by Bob Woodward "State of Denial" hits the stands manana. And there it is folks. The War in Iraq is bonkers! But to hear it being sung, it’s a cakewalk. I m still waiting to be greeted with jelly beans and Ju Ju Bees’ as a liberator. That’s the world we live in where the people who start wars never went to fight in one themselves. And this America.
Saw the news today, Congress passed an emergency appropriations bill to fund this war and other(s) at a cost of $440 Billion. Let me give you the zeros there just in case you thought it was small:$440,000,000,000. That’s half a trillion dollars, or 50% of $1,000,000,000,000. Where the fuck is this money coming from? Your people have sold you the fuck out! I now some of you motherfuckers don’t even have $1,000 in the bank so you cant picture the enormity. This money is BORROWED. And it has to be repaid. I know some of you don’t even have bank accounts, so….But for those of you with children who thought that you might be able to send them to college, you can hang that up. For those of you that thought that your kids in public school would have a fighting chance, you can quit now. The chances of success for YOUR children are now like a midgety dude fighting a 20 year old Mike Tyson. The funding for this albatross has to come from somewhere. Cuts in education, cuts in health care, cuts in transportation. Cuts in everything except military spending and prison building. I can guarantee that last part. Bailouts for none, except multi-national corporations. Yea, I can guarantee that. I know some of you don’t care, but fuck you, I don’t want to know you anyway. You’re like a fucking sheep. And sheep ain’t worth shit. Personal opinion.
So with less support from the federal government and unfunded mandates coming out of Congress, states will have no option but to raise revenue through increasing property taxes, and fees for services. Motor Vehicle fees, sales taxes, business taxes will have to increase(which you should know by now will only hurt small business operators, because big businesses have mucho write-offs, tax loops, off shore accounts and subsidies to dissipate their tax liabilities. Now I know of you corn-holers, will say that big business creates a lot of jobs so they deserve it. To that I say "Fuck you" , that’s bullshit. Small business creates more jobs and they should receive the same benefits that big business does.). No federal government matching dollars for community programs means no community programs. No child care, no senior centers, no summer camps, no job training programs.
And for those of you that believe in Karma I just want to say that you are full of shit. Who gets Karma? Its not the soldier dying for the acts of the zealots who sent him to die. The zealots get a big house in the suburbs and a refrigerator full of food. Zealots get fruity colored sweaters and fancy new cars for their 18th birthday. Poor people fill the jails looking for a better day. Only the poor people die, haven’t you noticed? Karma should affect the rich, greedy and corrupt but oddly enough it only pains the poor, hopeless and desperate. That’s how you know its bullshit! You don’t mean Karma, you mean witchcraft don’t you?
For those of you that don’t vote, once again "fuck you". When they institute the prison work camps and indoctrination facilities, I’ll see if I can get you a good job picking out radishes on the "liberty" farm. Either that or turning tricks in the state sanctioned brothel-arium.
And with that, folks I m off to Afghanistan next week. I had to go by the firearms store and pick up my own sidearm. Berettas are nice, but I m going to buy a CZ maybe a Hi-Point…. I’ll see you when I get back…hopefully in one piece. Now, you know ain’t no fat bootie babes in Afghanistan, so what’s a guy to do? Was that sexist? Yep, but once again, "fuck you", if I got to go to some shit-hole where some dude wearing a robe and sandals riding a donkey is going to shoot surface to air missiles and rocket propelled grenades at me then I get the right to say I like big butts. To me big ole asses make the world go ’round. Its like cigarettes, if you got it, share it. Wink-wink. Now, what are YOU going to do about it?
Some songs on the MP3: "What A Fool Believes" Doobie Brothers, "I m qualified to satisfy you" Barry White, "Freaks come out at night" Whodini, "Too hot to handle" Heatwave

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